Inspire Me | Midi Skirts

Midi skirts – easy to wear, stylish and oh-so-sassy! An amazing Spring/Summer piece of clothing that looks good on almost any body shape. It’s also a great office wear. If you want to look polished and work appropriate opt for high heels and a more formal top. For a more casual vibe combine your midi with a fun T-shirt and sneakers or flats.…
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A note to my future self

Okay, so this post has been under “Draft” for a very long time. Every time I want to publish it something stops me. Honestly, I feel it might be a bit too personal. I fear you have never seen this particular side of me and I might scare you away,  even though I believe every single one of us has…
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Lazy Girl’s Hack: How to Make a Banana Deep Conditioning Mask

This is the lazy girl’s way of making your own banana deep conditioning mask – for those days when you are not in the mood but your hair needs love and hydration. And ironically enough while I’m writing this post I’m munching on some dried banana slices. Yum! But not only are bananas very tasty, they are extremely beneficial to the hair and skin. Why do you…
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A visit to L’oreal Professionnel Bulgaria’s Hair Academy

 I think you already know I’m obsessed with hair – hair color, hair length, hair textures, hair products, hairstyles etc. so I could not pass the opportunity to talk about hair with other beauty bloggers and hair professionals. Last Friday  I attended an event organized by L’oreal Professionnel Bulgaria. I had the pleasure of meeting some lovely girls – both…
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DIY The “Carrie Bag”

After watching the first episode of  “The Carrie Diaries” I knew I was going to make my own version of her signature bag! I chose to use a two toned clutch – perfect for Spring and Summer. The project is very easy to do and will take you no more than 15 minutes. Keep on reading if you want to learn…
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